The Leaving of Ipswich
“You’re in no rush, Dad, I know it is frustrating but you do have time.” “Frustration” but nonchalance as well, “it” can rain, gale. Sahula waits. “If you hadn’t agreed, I would say no!” – crew. Wisdom all round. “It is April as it should be!”
. An Ipswich cruiser blog enroute via through the Kiel Canal shows sunny Sweden days. “You stick to your plan” “Cruising is cutting the cloth to fit.”
Sahula, alongside, leans to a wet, cold, southerly gale
. “I’ll do it on Friday, it will be a good job, your fuel and tank, will be clean.” “Probably Romanian fuel, always a problem. You’re lucky you got this far” Price 400 pounds maximum. It cost more. What price cruising? Skipper is relieved. Main tank clean; bottom was gelatinous goo; bug grows at interface between bottom water and fuel; cleaner machine forces fuel through filters; replace engine filters, drain top tank and fuel containers. Long overdue – tanks not done since the yachts construction (1991).
. “I have three jobs on Saturday, they’ll pay the return from Bergen; Sunday is good” – crew (on tug docking a NZ onion ship). Sunday is slated for departure, sunshine and fair winds?
. Another low is due Sunday. Rain, gales.
“You don’t want to go be there (North Sea in Force 8)”
Ports close – don’t go in –wind against tide, seas are steep, breaking on bars.” “Wait two days for seas to calm.”
“Meet Bill, he’s from …ull, cruised East coast for years” – “key is to get past the Wash – 16 hours Lowestoft to Humber –keep out of there, full of wrecks – if you clear north, nice bays to anchor in, calm in force 8.”
Skipper in “Rodin” like contemplation.
Marina account overlooked, Radar and AIS not reading GPS…; departure maybe Monday, maybe Tuesday. Northerly forecast for Tuesday, light and calm.
Sunny Monday, Sahula departs Ipswich…, a mere eight kilometres to the mouth of the Orwell River. A night gale is forecast. Sahula is in Shortly Marina.
Forecast Tuesday is light east to north winds. Sahula will make for Lowestoft, 6 hours up the coast. If favourable conditions, she’ll keep on to the Humber. If they persist, on to Hartlepool. East coast cruising is a challenge. Next Report: Leaving of Harwich. David 30/4/12