Saturday 2 April 2011

Sahula Report 44: Friends Aboard

Passage Report No. 44

Friends aboard

Year two in Turkey, time to enjoy visiting friends and family. It is easy to do; Istanbul as the hub, inexpensive flights connect to all major towns.

Neil (Townsville) arrived in Bodrum for two weeks. Sahula cruised south to ancient Knidos to Simi Island (Greece).

Dogan (Turkish) and son cruised the first ever, to "Sea Change" bay. The son was refused entry to a large resort because he wasn't Italian! Sovereignty is cheap in Turkey.

Ben and Diane (Sydney) cruised up Gokova Korfezi (gulf) to Cleopatra's Island. Cleopatra "stricken" with love of Mark Anthony, ordered Egyptian sand for the island beach. Experts contend it is not local sand! A sign warns, "no collecting sand" or sitting on the hallowed beach; police stand guard!

On the opposite island, Ben and Skipper find in the undergrowth a rock carved "bath." "Cleopatra in milk and honey, passed this way!" The bath was a single.

Di, a Sydney artist, gave Skipper art lessons in sketching and watercolour.

Sahula departed Turkey for Kos in Greece. Annalise and Nichola flew in for two weeks cruising Greece to Naxos and three travelling inland Turkey.

Sahula remained in Bozburun for the inland sector. A three day trek from the OzSafak Pension in Cukabag into Seven Lakes cirque deep in the Aladaglar mountains, was a highlight. Cappadocia's underground cities, Goreme's cave hostel and hot air balloons, Gallipoli, Turk hospitality in Izmir, Sigacik and Istanbul provided a holiday to remember.

Skipper enjoyed travelling with two attractive ladies. "Goodbye, give me a kiss" risked a waiter. Nic when leaving, turned and blew a kiss; the fellow nearly fell over.

Skipper returned via Ankara. A Turkish made diesel blow heater needed to be assessed for purchase. Ataturk's mausoleum, the old city and art galleries made it a worth while detour. Ankara, with its government buildings, thronging crowds on wide tree lined boulevards IS the modern Turkey.

Sahula wended to Karcasogut (Sogut), her winter home. A half hour dolmus (bus) to Marmaris, Sogut is a small rural town. No tourists visit there. Sahula is berthed to the Sahil Restaurant wharf. At 700 euros for winter ( some 2000 euros in Marmaris marinas), ringed by protective mountains and islands, it is strikingly beautiful. Almost ideal. Musketelle (Peter and Barbara) fly home to NZ. Wifi, their cat, takes up residence on Sahula.

Skipper leaves Sahula for England and Xmas with sister, Anne and family. It snows as soon as the "rubber hits the tarmac"- Skipper "enjoys" the "coldest winter for 100 years." Time in London, visiting art galleries, shows and museums and the London Boat Show.

On return to Sogut, it is sunny and crisp. Sahula waits patiently. The "to do" list grows longer each day. Skipper must prepare Sahula for the Danube voyage.

Next blog: Karacasogut to Sigacik.

David Haigh

Sv Sahula

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